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Medical Language Mogul
Resources to Help You Learn About
Medical Terminology Education
Topics in Medicine
Allied Medical Careers
More Fun With Morphemes.
Medical terminology has its roots in scientific terminology, and the rules for word formation across science as a whole should sound very familiar to you. But more importantly, I have a message for you, a very short life lesson for you. Please Go to The Listening Post to Learn More.
What's New?
07-21-24 I have completed several learning modules by now. Find them under the Medical Terminology 101 tab. To my first module on the lymph and immune systems, I have added men's and women's reproductive systems, and skeletal anatomy and bone disease. Each of these include slideshows on anatomy and disease, and exercises to test your knowledge. The information in these presentations has been reviewed by a medical professional. A presentation on cardiology is already in the works!
Be Healthy and Happy,
Pat McMahon
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